Meeting With New Clients While Respecting Social Distancing

During this challenging time for all businesses, Northern Craft Construction in Pasadena, MD has introduced unique and innovative measures in both seeking new business and in maintaining quality control of their construction projects. The current pandemic has certainly changed the landscape of how businesses must cope with normal day-to-day practices that required intimate onsite discussions and review of project status. Searching for new business and presentation of estimates also presents challenges to communicating project details while still practicing social distancing.
If the homeowner would rather not meet indoors, and if the weather permits, Bruce erects a temporary tent outside the home, sets up a table and his laptop and a truck-mounted 32" video display monitor (powered by an inverter in his truck), and invites the prospective client to meet for a 'pop up' presentation, still wearing his make-shift PPE. He asks the client to do a FaceTime (recorded by Bruce for future reference) walk-through of the home, all the while listening to Bruce as he guides them through the process of pointing their cell phone in areas of concern. Also nestled into his mobile presentations is a printer with an untouched ream of paper at the ready for the printing of the proposal. Bruce takes measurements from outside the structure and records them into his estimating program while sitting in his makeshift, but fully appointed 'truck front seat office.' He talks with the client during the entire process and asks for an hour or two to complete the estimate/proposal in the driveway! These innovative communications are all completed while also satisfying the social distancing mandate. When the proposal is completed, he offers to give the client a hard copy and also offers to immediately email the client the proposal. Bruce also offers financing on the project, right on the spot.
So, what happens after the project starts? It was customary for Northern Craftworkers and company president, Bruce Northcraft, to routinely meet with the project homeowners to inspect and review progress. This typically would take place onsite, first by Bruce meeting with his workers to inspect and quality control the project, followed by an onsite meeting with the homeowners face-to-face, sometimes with a walk-through to review progress.
Bruce has considered his small investments in safety, both for Northern Craft Construction workers and homeowners alike. Bruce comments, "Showing respect to my homeowners and workers through these creative methods is a way for us to not only continue to conduct daily business, respecting social distancing, but also to demonstrate to our clients our respect for their health and well-being." Truly, Northern Craft demonstrates their successful business mantra; Building the way we were raised, integrity with pride. If you are looking to remodel your home, have an insurance claim, or need an exterior repair, please call Northern Craft Construction for a free, no-obligation, safe estimate at 1-844-976-2499.